(800) 808-9844

Expert Witness & Forensic Medical Case Management

Difficult client medical conditions that demand immediate action are our specialty.

Expert Witness & Forensic Medical Case Management

Trusted Advisors seek us for direction to assist families with their journey in health care. Our expert Case/Care Managers not only help manage complex cases, but we also produce forensic quality Care Management Evaluation Reports, Life Care Plans, health insurance appeals, and chart reviews that attest to the quality standard of nursing and rehabilitative care.  

If you are an attorney, trust officer, financial advisor, or other fiduciary, you can assist your clients and family to meet the demands of illness, injury, or aging. A one-time Care Management Evaluation and Report provides a starting point to inform costs, timelines, and care coordination issues. LifeSpan’s clear and jargon-free written reports help families make informed decisions and cope.

Expert Witness Talking with Clients